Things I love but I Can't Do
i believe lies within ourself there something we love to do but we just cant do it..
well i dont know if that ever happen to ya all..
but to me yeah..
There are so many things that i enjoy the most but in reality i just suck with it..
lets me share things i love but suck in it..

 1. Sing

i bet this mouse can sing better than me..
i really enjoy singing but due to my funny voice i really dont have the confident even to hold the microphone.

2. Dance

oohh gosshhh...i love dancing the most...but i seem cant synchronised my body with the tune..
frustrated =((

3. Draw and Paint
my dad and lil sis really good at this stuff...i really envy them 2 because every time i wanna draw or paint something it turn out to be really funny or worst picture ever..
once again sad...sad.. ="(

4. Fashion
this also the other thing i love but cant do..
i love seeing people dress up nicely and really envy them..ohh gosh..

5. Make Up
i learn this stuff while i in college and my friend teach me a lots..i admire them who really can paint their face perfectly..i wish i know how to apply make up nicely to my face...


Well its a few things i love the most but suck at it..
when thinking about it make me feeling sad and frustrated..
i'll make sure that im good with this stuff someday..
except for sing
because i really bad when it come to sing part..

what the hell
i just being me..

mizs tiara..


Created by ctridzana